Summer 100 (15 of 100)Big Sky - Florida
48 x 48
Okay this is big. This ain't no little 6 x 8. So here's the problem: in this Summer 100 thing, this one counts just as much as a 6 x 8. Maybe I should change the title. One hundred 6 x 8 paintings would be 4800 square inches of paintings. I could call it the Summer 4800, and this one painting would be 2304 square inches. Oh, quit complaining. The thing is I got three of these 48 x 48 canvases recently and I have done two of them and they came out pretty good. This one is from a photo from St. Marks. I like these lonely looking clumps of trees. They look like survivors. Just going to have to keep working. ( I do have these really little sample canvases. Maybe I can use those to counterbalence these big ones.) You don't care do you?