11 x 14
Still here. Yes, it's been awhile. Still here and still painting. I took a break. After Crescent Beach Paintout I did the Plantation Wildlife Show in Thomasville. Things were slow up there. It's the economy stupid. That's what I heard from all of the artists up there. Most of them are people who do it for a living and do a lot of show. They report that most shows are 50% down across the board. Makes you glad you don't do it for a living. Anyway, I felt like I needed a break for the first time in a long while.
It's funny when I meet friends for the first time in a long time they always ask whether I still paint. Sometimes I wonder whether they are saying are you still doing that crazy painting thing. Like have you gotten over that stage yet. Well, I haven't. I'm thinking about doing some new stuff. Maybe some figurative work and portraits. Thats got to improve your painting because you can't fake a portrait or a figure. Trees you can fake. So stay tuned and we'll see.
This is from a trip to North Carolina. Its a car shot. I'm a sucker for a flat field and an old barn.
I loved the light on the side of the houses and blue sky.