Life is full of magic . . . find some

Tuesday, July 07, 2009

"Foggy Morning"

10 x 12
From a trip to Atlanta in the morning. A Georgia field with fog and plowed furrows. This is what it would be like to live in a cloud. Doesn't seem too bad does it? As I am 'approaching advanced age', (this is a social security term, not mine) my vision is suffering and everything seems to be in a cloud. Especially that up close stuff. That part of my eye just does not work anymore. So with painting I am battling between far vision and up close vision. Sometimes this is helpful. One of the things you do when you paint is to squint at the image. This simplifies the values and the colors. Now all I do is pull off my glasses and I don't have to squint. It stinks to get old!

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