Life is full of magic . . . find some

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Florida Jungle 3 (Work in Progress)

40 x 30

Still working on this one. Doing some more work on the upper foilage and more highlights.

Sunday, January 14, 2007


10 x 12

This is from Eastpoint, Florida. The things hanging on the dock in the background are burlap sacks. They use them to put the oysters in and I guess they reuse them. Not a large margin on oysters.

Saturday, January 06, 2007


12 x 10 (Plein Air)

This morning at Phipps Park. A guy walking his dogs as I just started says "you picked a tough subject". I liked the dark trees against the grey woods in the background. It was tough, but I think this came out good. One of the problems with plein air painting is that you can drive around all day looking for the perfect subject. I am trying to discipline myself to just go somewhere and find something to paint and in the words of Tim Gunn "make it work". This is about one mile from my house. A great undeveloped park where they hold the "Red Hills Horse Trials". Beautiful, peaceful morning. I hope I got some of that.

Thursday, January 04, 2007

"Marsh Island/Part Two"

16 x 20
I reworked this piece. The photo isn't that great. Grayed the sky, put more light into the trees, and changed the color of the distant trees. Why? Because I decided I didn't like it the way it was. It's my painting. Which do you like?

"Marsh Island"

16 x 20

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

"Spoil Island"

9 x 12 (plein air)

This is from Parrish Park in Titusville. I was there for Christmas and this was done on the day after Christmas. Kind of a wet and rainy day.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007


40 x 30