"Where Water Meets Land"
5 x 7 postcard series SOLD
A plein air study from Palm Beach. What you paint when you are sitting under an umbrella looking out at a flat calm ocean. This one sold to a friend from high school who I ran into at a another friend's kid's wedding. I guess that signifies some kind of stage of life. You know you are older when you start going to the weddings of children of people you went to school with.
I like this painting. It is simple and direct, but it is complicated. That color of the breaking wave on the shore is pretty darn close to right. With plein air you don't get to take a photograph and ask the camera what color that split second is. It's just observation and hoping you get it right. Charles Hawthorne, a famous artist and teacher, talks about this in his book. The artist first job is observation. Learning how to see.
Thanks for looking.