Life is full of magic . . . find some

Sunday, August 15, 2010


14 x 11 (plein air)

This was painted under the bridge to Singer Island while on vacation last month. The bridge is one of my favorite places to paint. One thing you must consider when painting outdoors is trying to figure out how to get your canvas and palette out of the direct sun. Being in the sun makes it really hard to judge values and colors. It is also really hot in the sun. So there is this great little park under the bridge with sailboats anchored close by and lots of people swimming and enjoying the gentle ocean breezes. My wife calls these paintings “boat butt” genre. I can’t help it that the tide flows the way it flows. Here I’m trying to concentrate on the color of the water and the sparkle of the light in the reflections. Hope it worked.

Thanks for looking.

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