Life is full of magic . . . find some

Friday, July 08, 2011

"Across the East River"

48 x 48

I wrote about the show at the airport later this month. This is another one for the show. It's big. The show is centered around the St. Marks Wildlife Refuge which is on the coast South of Tallahassee. It's a beautiful place. Every one of the paintings is an image of the Refuge or a view from the Refuge. My plan is to put a "you are here" map together to show where each painting was conceived (hhmm . . . not sure that's the right word). Anyway most of them are big and they are St. Marks. The painting above is the view from the road about a quarter mile from the lighthouse. If you stop your car there and look to the west you will see the East River and St. Marks River as they exit into the Gulf. There is a broad sweep of marsh and islands made when they dug the channel for the St. Marks. It's a really good place to pause and look, especially when the sun is setting. Hope you can make plans to go to the airport sometime during the show. I am thinking about designating a certain time when I'll be out there to talk about the work and answer any questions. If there's interest I'll set something up and put it on my website and facebook. Send an email or leave a comment and let me know. Is there a place out there to get a cup of coffee without having to do a strip search?

Thanks for looking.

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