Summer 100 (31 of 100)"Looking West from the Peak of Rattlesnake"
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This weekend my wife and I went to pick up our girls from Camp Crestridge in Ridgecrest, North Carolina. All of our kids have gone to camp in Ridgecrest and all have loved it. Micah is now a counselor at the boys camp. He got Friday evening and Saturday off, so we hiked up a mountain and watched the fireworks being shot in the town of Black Mountain. It was a wonderful experience. This painting is from a photo I took up there on the top of Rattlesnake Mountain.
My wife and I have had some great July 4th experiences. Since the kids usually go to camp during this time we have seen fireworks in alot of different places. We really like to go to Atlanta and watch them at Lennox Square. That's an impressive show. We saw them one year at Stone Mountain. The best show was probably at Boston. Just like you see it on t.v. with the Boston Pops.
The show at Black Mountain obviously could not compare in terms of pyrotechnics, but I bet I'm going to remember this 4th for a long time.