Life is full of magic . . . find some

Monday, December 21, 2009

"Cloud Forming"

5 x 7 plein air
Another from the end of the dock. (You can tell I like it at the end of the dock, can't you?) One of the things I set out to do this year was paint more clouds. You really need to be able to use clouds for compositional elements in Florida. But clouds are really tough to paint "en plein air". Why? Because painting clouds outdoors is like going to a preschool at recess and trying to do paintings of the preschoolers on the playground. They just don't hold still. For this one I studied the cloud for about 2 minutes. I started with the part that was most dramatic and would likely change first. That was the sun peaking over the top of the cloud. Once I got the value of the cloud I put a spot in the water that corresponded to the correct value for the water at that time and then finished with the things that would not change as quickly. Bottom line you have to paint fast and you have paint from memory. You can't chase the cloud from one formation to another. So before you start, take some time and study what is happening with the idea of the elements that will make up your composition. Two minutes doesn't sound like a lot of time, but right now walk outside and look at a cloud for two minutes. You will be surprised at how much it changes.
Thanks for looking.

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