Life is full of magic . . . find some

Thursday, April 08, 2010

"Starting the Day"

18 x 24
Here's a new piece that I think will be in the Chain of Parks Show. I like it. I like it's simplicity. It's interesting to put out new work. I posted some new stuff on facebook and one of the face to face comments (not computer generated) was essentially 'I wish you would put up some of your nicer stuff'. Ouch. It reminds me of the famous "shrinkage" episode from Seinfield. (No not for that reason.) In that episode one of the side stories is about the ugly baby that the parents are proud of and the doctor (who Elaine is interested in) calls 'breathtaking' (after he says the same thing about Elaine). But the parents believe the baby is perfect. That's the same with artists. Our works are our babies. Sometimes we can't see them with an unbaised eye. Or maybe they are just perfect, but there is a different one that someone else sees as more perfect. (I'll choose to take that comment that way.)
Thanks for looking at my ugly babies.

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