Life is full of magic . . . find some

Friday, January 27, 2012

I'm trying to use new blog software.  Here's the link to the new blog:

Let me know what you think.

If I switch back I'll let you know.

Thanks for looking.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

From Battery Park

11 x 14

I love NY.  A couple of years ago I would have scoffed if someone said that.  But in the last three years I've been to New York City three times.  It is really a great place.  Always interesting and different.  My last visit was a couple of months ago.  My son, Micah, ran the New York City Marathon.  Julee and I went along to be the cheering squad.  We had a great time.  While there I took some photos with the idea of doing some paintings.  I figured that there were probably a lot of people who would like a painting from New York.  I also figured it would fun to do something different.   This is from a photo taken at Battery Park on the south end of Manhattan.  Trying to do a painting of the Statute of Liberty without beating you over the head.

Thanks for Looking.

Wednesday, January 04, 2012

"On 98"

18 x 24

The medical update:  My body has apparently healed itself,  or at least it is giving it a good try.  The mri WAS conclusive (contrary to radiologist's report).  I did have a disc problem and C7 impingement on the on the left side.  The neurosurgeon showed me the mri and spot he found.  He said sometimes the body just absorbs the disc material or the nerve gets use to the pinch.  I never had any neck pain.  It was always numbness in the hand and arm.  Since it's getting better there is no reason for him to do anything.  Hopefully it will continue to improve.

Me:  Can I ride my mountain bike?

Dr.:   You mean you ride a mountain bike on the road around the neighborhood?

Me:  No, I ride through the woods as fast as I can go racing against other 50 year olds who are just as crazy as me.

Dr.:  Do you wear a helmet?

Me:  Oh yeah.

Dr.:  Well I don't think you should live in glass bubble.  [He then said some other stuff, but I don't really remember specifics, kind of blah, blah, blah . . you are an attorney and I didn't tell you to do it]

What did I learn?

1.  An MRI is kind of spooky.  It is just one more reason not to be fat.  I remember walking out of the room and seeing the next patient.  An overweight African-American women with a very big chest and a look of apprehension on her face.  She'd probably been there before.

2.  There are not enough doctors in this world.  Come on.  You shouldn't have to wait so dang long for a receptionist, a phone call, an appointment, a callback, a waiting room, an evaluation, etc. etc. etc.  . . .  

3.  Doctors do good work.  I'll just leave it at that.  They are quirky.  They are all different.  But they all seem to be trying to help people feel better.

4.  It's really hard to say that the doctor never asked you how you got hurt.  You have to answer that question about 20 times.  Bottom line:  If you got hurt on the job and didn't tell the doctor it's not because they didn't ask.  (Well at least at TNC.)

5.  It's hell getting old.

6.  The painting above makes me think I'd rather be riding down 98 to a day at the beach, or fishing, or painting, or taking photos, or sailing, or eating fried shrimp in Apalachicola.  Life is full of magic . . . find some.

Thanks for looking.

Sunday, January 01, 2012

New Year's Resolutions

For those of you that don't know this is a photo of the project that I have been working over the last four months.  It's a 1967 International 505 sailboat.  It's a really fast two person sailing dingy.   I guess it was one of the things on my informal bucket list.  "One day I'd like to redo an old boat".  If this is on your bucket list you better call me first.  Well that's not really true.  It was very time consuming (and got in the way of painting time), but in a strange way, it was fun.  

This photo is me and my son, Zack, putting it in for the first sail.  It performed well, and looks like it will be a lot fun.  
My daughter, Kendall, took this photo.  Doesn't she have a nice eye for composition?

Here's Zack single-handing the boat in very light wind.  She is definitely fast.

So, the new year and resolutions?

That's a good question.  I'll have to think about it.

Oh yeah, for those of you who are following this blog.  The MRI was inconclusive and the numbness in the left hand has gotten better but not great.  I'm seeing a specialist next week and we'll see what he says.

In the meantime just following the instructions at the front of this blog.

"Life is full of magic . . . find some."

Thanks for looking.