Life is full of magic . . . find some

Sunday, January 01, 2012

New Year's Resolutions

For those of you that don't know this is a photo of the project that I have been working over the last four months.  It's a 1967 International 505 sailboat.  It's a really fast two person sailing dingy.   I guess it was one of the things on my informal bucket list.  "One day I'd like to redo an old boat".  If this is on your bucket list you better call me first.  Well that's not really true.  It was very time consuming (and got in the way of painting time), but in a strange way, it was fun.  

This photo is me and my son, Zack, putting it in for the first sail.  It performed well, and looks like it will be a lot fun.  
My daughter, Kendall, took this photo.  Doesn't she have a nice eye for composition?

Here's Zack single-handing the boat in very light wind.  She is definitely fast.

So, the new year and resolutions?

That's a good question.  I'll have to think about it.

Oh yeah, for those of you who are following this blog.  The MRI was inconclusive and the numbness in the left hand has gotten better but not great.  I'm seeing a specialist next week and we'll see what he says.

In the meantime just following the instructions at the front of this blog.

"Life is full of magic . . . find some."

Thanks for looking.


Treeman said...

Been missing you on the rides. Hope everything works out.

Steve Andrews said...

Thanks David, missing riding myself and hoping to get back at it soon. I'll let you know.